AGC COURIER offers secure storage facilities, and our warehouses are among the safest places to deposit your goods in America, Europe and Nigeria. Our distribution system pick, park, store and distribute consignments anywhere in the region by efficient modes of transport.

Our Service Portfolio

AGC offers different warehousing services to its customers ranging from short term to long term storage of goods as well as consulting services.

Short term storage

Short Term Storage is basically anything less than 90 days, medium term storage is between 91 to 180 days while long term storage is anything more than 180 days.

Temperature controlled warehousing

We also offer temperature warehousing which supports specialized and temperature sensitive goods.

Value added services etc

AGC is always on ground to advice the best storage for customers as our warehousing is tailored towards customers specific needs so as to ensure that customers concentrate on their core businesses while their warehousing needs are sorted by competent experts with very good hands-on experience.

Our Warehouse Services

We ensure that our warehouses are secure, accessible to ports and terminals for onforwarding, export and distribution purposes. Our warehouses are fully managed by experts with good inventory systems management to ensure that goods and cargoes are adequately stored and retrieved upon request.

Cargo Loading and Unloading

This is the process of getting goods onto and off transportation vehicles with the help of equipment's to ensure cargoes are safely handled, packaged and transported to destinations as well as stored in warehouses for customers.

This is an essential services as certain cargoes require specific details of handling.

Our dedicated staff examine cargoes before transportation to ensure whether there is need for crating or boxing to protect the cargo from getting damaged in transit.

At AGC we work with the four procedure of cargo loading and unloading which are;

  • Preparing and dispatching inventory
  • Receiving and unloading stock
  • Verifying inventory
  • Storing and documenting inventory.

On the aforementioned procedures we have dedicated staff with very good integrity to handle the processes.

Cargo Labelling and Packing

Cargoes are duely labelled to ensure clarity and ease in packing. During labelling, cargoes are clustered and packed before storing in the warehouse, this makes it easy to identify goods and cargoes meant for different customers.

Labelling and packing is very important especially when there are hazardous goods in the warehouse amongst other cargoes.

Hazardous cargoes are often labelled and packed in a secure way and put out of harm's way to ensure safety of lives and properties within the warehouse.

Our staffs are well trained periodically to handle packages of various kinds using industry best practices.

Fumigation and Pest Control

We fumigate our warehouses to ensure the place is free of rodents ands insects that might cause harm to the goods or cargoes within the warehouse. This is essential as each package is meant to be delivered same way it was before storage.

Packing and Crating Services

Crating protects shipped goods from any damage during shipping so that the goods are safe at the destination.

We offer a wide variety of crates to fit with the needs of customers, sometimes if the size is not readily available, we construct to meet the size and weight requirement needed.

Cargo Distribution

AGC provides cargo distribution services, ensuring that cargoes are distributed for clients and customers according to specifications. AGC do not partake in marketing of goods but can transport cargoes to destinations given by customers.

We have a wide network of transportation that covers all regions in Nigeria and West Africa. Our cargo handling process is organized and swift, offering cargo at destination in record time.

POD Reporting

After delivery, we present our customers with signed Proof Of Delivery (POD) where they can confirm who received the goods at destination and as at what time the goods were delivered.